1. When paying, in the note at the end, enter the name, email and personalized message for the person to whom the gift card is intended.

2. After the purchase, a message with a secret gift voucher code will be sent to the recipient's email. 

3. If you also enter your email (in the note mentioned in step 1), we can send you the secret code of the gift voucher, so you can forward it to the recipient, or you can print it out, hand it over physically or just tell him the secret code. 

4 Sada primatelj može odabrati proizvode , tečajeve ili radionice fuzije stakla sa našeg webshopa.Prilikom plaćanja potrebno je  unjeti tajni kod poklon bona u za to predvidjeno polje.

5. If the amount is less than the purchase, the remainder can be used for the next purchase, and if it is greater, the difference will be charged.