Glass fusion is the process of joining two or more pieces of glass at high temperature into one homogeneous piece of glass. This process is usually carried out in special glass furnaces to achieve high temperatures above the melting point of glass up to 900C.
The glass fusion process usually involves the following steps:
1. Preparation of glass parts: Glass pieces to be joined must be carefully cleaned of dust, grease or other impurities that could affect the quality of the joint.
- Assembling the glass parts: The glass pieces are arranged in the desired pattern or shape on a special plate that can withstand the high temperatures of the furnace.
- Putting in the furnace: The plate with pieces of glass is placed in the furnace, which is programmed according to the type of glass and the desired effect we want to achieve.
- Glass Fusion: When the furnace is heated to a high enough temperature, the pieces of glass will begin to heat up and fuse where they touch, forming one homogeneous piece of glass, which can later be placed in a mold to give it a specific shape.
- Controlled cooling: After joining, the glass piece is cooled slowly to avoid creating tension in the glass that could lead to cracking. This cooling process usually takes several hours or even days, depending on the thickness and size of the glass.
Glass fusion is often used in artistic glass production, where it is used to make a variety of glass objects, such as vases, plates, sculptures and jewelry. It is also used in industry to make glass panels, optical fibers and other technical glass products.
Like the well-known art of glass blowing, glass fusion allows us to create different objects using a different method that offers a feasible, affordable technique for hobbyists and artists interested in making their own designs.
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Spremnost za istraživanje i uživanje! Ne trebate osnovno znanje. Možete pohađati naše tečajeve i naučiti osnove fuzije stakla te stvoriti prekrasne unikatne predmete na koje ćete biti ponosni. Osnovni alati i potrošni materijal uključeni su u naše tečajeve. Učimo vas kako biti siguran sa staklom, kako ga rezati i kako funkcioniraju peći koje koristimo.
You need goodwill, inspiration and creativity, everything else will come naturally.
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